
Fresh & Organic Cow Milk

Available Milk Sellers
Seller Price
Abraham ₹ 50.00 / Liter
Mayur Dairy ₹ 55.00 / Liter

Are you a Milk Consumer?

If you are looking for daily fresh & organic milk subscription from our seller



Decide the Quantity of Milk you would like to take every day, and your schedule. you can purchase milk at multiples of 250 ML.

Contact Seller

Reach out to us. We will check and let you know if we can provide you subscription for your desired quantity and schedule.


Woah, you are subscribed for the daily milk as per your schedule and quantity. During this time, seller will create your profile on MilkBasket. If you can provide your email and phone, we can send you subscription and billing details.


You will receive SMS, email and Whatsapp message, with bill details and the due amount on last day of the month.


You can pay by cash, Gpay OR PhonePe. You can even pay advance for your future subscription. Each accepted payment will send you confirmation SMS with a unique transaction number.


That's it.

Are you a Milk Seller?

If you sell milk in your locality and you are interested to join our platform


Sign Up

Reach out to us if you are interested to sell milk on 'MilkBasket' platform. We will create an account, which you can use to manage your customers on your own.

Onboard Customers

Once your account is active, you can add customers profile in your account. You can enter your customers name, phone number, email schedule and quantity.

Update Sale

You can use various features to maintain the customers register with entry of milk sold. You can add or update details any time as needed.


End of the month, verify all the register entries are correct. Send SMS, email and Whatsapp notification with billing details.

Accept Payment

Customers can pay you by Cash. Accept payment on the platform, and the SMS notification with confirmation with be sent to your customer. (Coming Soon) We are working on adding online payment gateway, after which your customers will be able to pay directly, and the register entry will be settled automatically upon successful payment


That's it.